FAQs are provided for at-a-glance answers to common questions. Please visit the OnCore Resources page for in-depth and step-by-step instructions for OnCore processes.
General Information
Online Collaborative Research Environment (OnCore) is a comprehensive, Web-based Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS). It was developed to support investigators and research coordinators as a centralized place to manage all of their study protocols and subjects.
Yes, we are using OnCore to manage clinical research involving human subjects. It will also be a tool to create a portfolio of active research studies by UAHS faculty. If you are a resident or fellow, please check with your faculty sponsor and/or departmental research office to find out if you should use OnCore yourself or work with a departmental research coordinator for your OnCore needs.
The University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) has been using OnCore since 2007 as a requirement for their National Cancer Institute (NCI) - designated comprehensive cancer center status. A decision was made to expand the existing OnCore CTMS across UAHS to include all non-oncology research. With this change, the UAHS community can leverage OnCore's study participant and safety management features, including calendaring. It also makes financial management of clinical trials more consistent across campus, including charge validation by Banner, invoice creation, and payment recording.
OnCore enhances the efficiency and quality of research at UAHS with the following features:
- Bi-directional integration with Cerner: Cerner sends demographics information to OnCore, and OnCore sends protocol and subject information to Cerner.
- Information sharing: Research teams can access key information: protocols, consent forms, coverage analyses, checklists, participant details, and eCRFs.
- Dashboards: Consoles within OnCore provide a clear and comprehensive view of critical information.
- Notifications: Automated emails support communication and efficient workflows, including updates to study status, protocol versions, and subject status.
- Research management: OnCore enables consistent eligibility and consent tracking, as well as detailed visuals of study-specific calendars, human subject visits, and adverse event tracking.
Training and Workflows
Please contact OnCoreSupport@arizona.edu with a copy of your current HIPAA and CITI Human Research certificates, as well as a completed OnCore User Agreement. (Please see the next section regarding finding the three prerequisite courses in EDGE Learning) Upon receipt of these documents we will work with you to schedule training for the sessions applicable to your research role(s). After training has been completed, you will receive a time-sensitive email to set up your OnCore access.
All clinical research studies involving human subjects within UAHS should be entered into OnCore.
New or amended protocols enter OnCore Support's workflow after the Coverage Analysis has been completed. A more detailed workflow is available on our main page. If you need to enter your protocol into OnCore beforehand for UA Cancer Center or SRC review, you can do so at ePRMS ► Submission Console.
If a clinical research coordinator (CRC) accidentally adds a subject to the wrong trial, they will need to contact their applicable research manager, who will then need to submit a ticket to TicketCat to report the error and request the subject’s removal. This request must be submitted by the applicable research manager to ensure proper approval processes have taken place before COMHelp carries out the request. The applicable research manager is a research director, manager, or PI, depending on the home department associated with the trial. Details on how to determine the applicable manager are available in the Subject Deletion guide (under Subject Management Training) on the OnCore Resources page.
Searching by the course IDs can help you find the prerequisites if you are having trouble finding them by keyword. For the HIPAA training, search by 0000003302; and for CITI Biomedical Research Investigators (CITI-4589, Human Research), search by 0000003282.
Technical Information and Troubleshooting
OnCore can be accessed through the UAHS OnCore Login page, which is also linked at the top right of this website.
If you are having problems logging into OnCore, please refer to our Login Troubleshooting page.
If you are unable to access a protocol after logging in to OnCore, please check with your protocol's IRB coordinator to make sure they have added you to the protocol staff.
If you're able to access your protocol but can't see subject/patient information, go to your user profile drop-down menu (in the upper right-hand corner) and make sure "Show PHI" is checked. If you still can't see subject/patient information, please visit the TicketCat website and create a support ticket to make sure your user role settings are correct.