Clinical Trials Applications grew out of a strategic initiative, launched in April 2020, to bring all clinical research at the University of Arizona Health Sciences into a single management and data warehousing environment. OnCore, an industry leader in online clinical trial management systems, was chosen as the enterprise platform to achieve this end. OnCore had been in use at the University of Arizona Cancer Center since 2007, and its use was scaled to the rest of UAHS in 2020.
OnCore Support was the unit at UAHS Research Administration that was tasked with implementing OnCore’s ambitious expansion. In addition to that project, OnCore Support built a comprehensive suite of services to provide training, consultation, workflow assistance and technical support to the UAHS community of OnCore users and stakeholders.
In 2022, OnCore Support entered a collaborative management structure with COMHelp at College of Medicine - Tucson Information Technology Services. That new collaborative structure enabled OnCore Support to augment its services in technical support, analytics, and data solutions — as well as lead the rollout of OnCore’s companion system, eReg, to support a comprehensive suite of regulatory processes associated with clinical research.
To reflect the multi-department and multi-system service model, Clinical Trials Applications became the banner program under which all of these initiatives continued. In that spirit of collaboration, the Clinical Trials Applications team is committed to both the Mission and Values of UAHS Research Administration and the Mission and Guiding Principles of College of Medicine - Tucson Information Technology Services.